Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Anti-Islamic Hate Crimes Incidents

 The Anti-Islamic Hate Crime Incidents chart represent that throughout 1995 to 2000 there were a fewer haters. In 2001 there was an airplane attack on the World Trade Center that destroyed them completely. In the chart it strongly indicates that in the year of that attack there was a massive increase. The terrorist who destroyed them where Islamic, therefor there was a big crowd of people who unapproved Islam. After five years later the percentage was still high and the chart clearly demonstrate how that impact damaged the United States’ society way of thinking towards the Islam community. It quadrupled or even more the number of Anti-Islamic Crime incidents after 9-11 in the 2001. In the 2007 it started decreasing up to the 2008. When 9-11 occurred, many controversies roused indicating it was not a terrorist attack and that is was the US government. Ten years later and I still do not know what to believe.  But still the impact it cause to society changed many things for example how people relate to Muslims or Islam because they have a turban or how TSA in the airports changed drastically. The attacks were because of anger or fear.

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